How Do I Get My Newborn In The US a Visa and Passport to Visit India?
If your baby was recently born in the US and you want to take it to India, there are certain steps you need to take.
If your baby was recently born in the US and you want to take it to India, there are certain steps you need to take.
Becoming a U.S. permanent resident or naturalized citizen is a lengthy and expensive process. What's the best way to plan for the costs?
Many people find gambling to be great entertainment. You may have also noticed an enticing lottery jackpot and wish to join in on the fun. However, you may wonder if you are allowed to play the lottery or gamble while you are on a visa in the US?
Even if you are a temporary worker in the US, you can buy a home. When does buying a home make sense when you're on an H-1B visa?
If you have a job at a company that offers incentive stock options (ISOs), you may be excited and curious about how to understand, exercise, and benefit from them.
If you just received an offer letter for a job in the United States, you’re probably very excited! It can be tempting to sign right away. However, whether it’s your first job offer you’ve received in the US or your fifth, it’s important to go over an offer letter carefully.
Is it possible to sell property in India if you're a Non Resident Indian (NRI) living in the US? The answer is yes but the process can be cumbersome.
Are you a foreigner looking to buy a home in the United States? If yes, the good news is that anyone can buy a home in the US regardless of citizenship. But there are some key differences you should be aware of.
All immigrants face a common barrier: a lack of US credit history. Here's a guide to building your credit score.
Is your employer offering restricted stock units as part of their compensation package? When it comes time to apply for a mortgage for a home purchase, one logical question is: do my RSUs count as part of my income?
While there are benefits of holding the EB-5 visa, it comes with major tax consequences that catch some people by surprise. If you’re thinking about applying for the EB-5 visa, make sure you know about the tax implications.
Did you just receive your first paycheck as an immigrant in the US? If yes, your first American pay stub might look confusing to you. To help you get to know your pay stub and understand all the different deductions and words, here’s a guide.
On the surface, dual citizenship is a wonderful benefit. Dual citizenship is a benefit for most people, but it can also have financial consequences.
At one point, you might need to send funds to a friend or family member who is in another part of the world. You have several choices if you’re planning to send money abroad. Prices, convenience, and speed can vary greatly. We’ve distilled the Top 5 options for sending money abroad.
Applicants for permanent residence in the United States must show that they won’t be dependent on public resources in order to qualify for a green card. Do you know about the recent changes?
Here are 10 common tax-filing mistakes encountered by immigrants. As you prepare for tax season, take care to make sure you’ve avoided them!
Before heading to the airport, make sure you’ve met the requirements for entering or reentering the United States. This includes traveling with large amounts of money. Here’s what you need to know about bringing money into the USA on a plane.
Most non-citizens are eligible for social security benefits if they meet certain requirements. Here are the top five things you need to know.
US immigrants are often most focused on achieving permanent residency status. But estate tax planning should happen in tandem to pre-residency planning. US estate tax burden issues must be addressed, especially for high net worth individuals.
Cost, application process & requirements for the EB5 Investor Program for U.S. immigrants.