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Can I Volunteer While I Am On An H1B Visa? Thumbnail

Can I Volunteer While I Am On An H1B Visa?

While on an H1B visa in the United States, you may want to volunteer your time to a nonprofit or community organization. You can volunteer your time unpaid for a nonprofit organization while you are on an H1B visa as long as the work you are doing would typically be performed by unpaid volunteers.

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Trusts 101 Thumbnail

Trusts 101

Many of us may perceive trusts as a complex subject better left to our attorney. However, a trust is simply a contract initiated by a grantor who agrees to transfer assets to a beneficiary, who then receives the assets as stipulated in the trust contract. A trustee, who may also be the grantor, manages the trust assets and ensures the stipulated terms of the trust are faithfully executed.

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