Work From Anywhere Jobs: Myths, Benefits, and Drawbacks
Work from anywhere jobs are here to stay, but are they worth it? Many people love the lifestyle and freedom they offer, but there are drawbacks for employees and employers to consider.
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What Are Work From Anywhere Jobs?
A work from anywhere job allows you to work from anywhere. It could be from home, on a train, on vacation, or anywhere in the world. You don't have to have a dedicated office or commute daily to the company's headquarters.
As long as you remain aligned with the company culture and complete your work on time, you can work from anywhere in the world.
How Full Remote Jobs Work
Jobs that are 100% remote allow you to work from anywhere. They don't have geographic requirements, and often even the time zones don't matter. But, of course, every company has different rules, so always check to ensure you're meeting the company guidelines.
Can You Really Work From Anywhere?
It seems crazy that you could work from anywhere, but it's possible; the pandemic showed the world how easy it was.
Before the pandemic, flex jobs were popular, meaning you could work a few days from home while commuting to the office on other days. But when the pandemic hit and many offices had to close completely, companies had to pivot and learn how to let employees work from anywhere, maintain synchronous communication with their fellow remote colleagues, and today many people do.
Benefits of Jobs You Can Work From Home
If you're lucky enough to find a job from home, there are many benefits you can enjoy as a remote worker and a company.
Benefits for Remote Workers
Remote work has many benefits for employees, including the following:
- Flexibility - Working from home allows workers to schedule their lives accordingly. They can take care of the kids and get their work done without feeling one or the other must sacrifice.
- Save money - Commuting costs money, so if you don't have to drive to and from work, you save money on gas, wear and tear on your car, and car repairs. In addition, you save money on clothing, food, and all the other miscellaneous spending that goes on when you work in an office.
- Save time - Not commuting can save you an hour or more a day, depending on how far you live from the office. It's amazing what even a couple of extra hours a day can do for productivity.
- Less stress - Working from home still has its stressors. Still, there are fewer distractions for employees, which often means greater productivity and less stress, especially without a boss watching over your shoulder.
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Benefits for Companies That Offer Remote Jobs
It might seem like companies lose out when they allow remote work, but they earn more benefits than most people realize, including the following:
- Increased productivity - Employees can be more productive with fewer distractions, which helps a company's bottom line.
- Save money - Companies that allow remote work save money on equipment, utility bills, and rent if they don't have to keep an office for everyone to come into daily.
- Access to a larger talent pool - When companies allow employees to work remotely, they can recruit from anywhere in the world, getting access to even more talent.
- Better attendance records - Employees who work from home are more likely to push through days they are somewhat sick but can function. Because they don't have to be around others, they can still get their work done and not worry about getting anyone else sick.
Benefits to Society
Companies offering work from anywhere options also benefit society in the following ways:
- More options for rural residents - People who live in rural areas are often limited to certain companies because of their commute time. When you offer the opportunity to work remotely, anyone can apply, including those in remote areas.
- Employees have more time to give back - When employees don't have to worry about excessive commute times, they may have more time to do things for the community, such as volunteer work.
- Better for the environment - The fewer people driving to and from work, the better it is for the environment. There's less environmental damage with fewer resources, including less waste from convenience lunches, gasoline, and oil from cars.
Cons of a Fully Remote Job
While fully remote jobs have many benefits, there are some disadvantages.
Relationship Building and Socialization
It can feel isolating for employees to work from home and not have the camaraderie of co-workers. Connecting with co-workers, building relationships, and socializing for reasons outside work can be difficult and make employees feel less connected.
Communication and Sharing of Knowledge
It can feel awkward to communicate with co-workers or ask questions, even during the workday. When everyone is in the same place doing the same job, it's easier to reach out with questions or concerns. When working from home, though, there can be a disconnect that makes it awkward.
Legalities and Cybersecurity Breach Issues
Depending on where a company operates, laws and regulations restrict where an employee can work. If a company deals with private information, there may also be laws regarding cybersecurity to protect private information.
Work From Anywhere Policy
Companies must create new policies for work from anywhere employees to ensure everyone is on the same page and adhering to the same rules.
Independent Contractor Lupole
You might be considered an independent contractor rather than an employee if you work from anywhere. Some companies prefer to deal with contractors versus employees to avoid handling taxes and providing benefits when employees don't work in the office.
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Myths of Work From Anywhere Jobs
Work from anywhere jobs have many myths that make many companies shy away from offering the opportunity. They include:
- Work from home employees aren't productive
- Work from home opportunities require excessive technical support
- Employees cannot stay connected or motivated
- Employees take work from anywhere opportunities less seriously
Hybrid Remote Jobs vs. Fully Remote Jobs
In a hybrid remote job, a portion of the company works from home some days, while others commute to the office and vice versa. This way, there is always a subset of employees in the office, and management can check in with employees in person while allowing them flexibility in working from home.
Digital Nomad Lifestyle
The digital nomad lifestyle is increasing in popularity, with 22% of the workforce predicted to be remote by 2025. However, this new way of life has its pros and cons.
Freedoms of the Lifestyle
The obvious benefit of the digital nomad lifestyle and remote work policies is the freedom to travel and work. You can prioritize experience over possessions and do what you want while earning a living. In addition, digital nomads don't have to settle down in one place or worry about commuting. This allows for much more flexibility and freedom.
The Drawbacks and Downfalls
However, living the digital nomad lifestyle can be exhausting. Much more paperwork and planning is involved than many people anticipate, especially if you work in different countries, as you have to manage taxes and paperwork accordingly.
It can be much harder for digital nomads to set long-term goals, and the constant moving can be exhausting, not to mention expensive.
The Risk Nomad Employees Face
Digital nomad lifestyles seem amazing, but it comes with risks, including the following:
- Difficulty creating a work-life balance
- Difficulty creating and maintaining relationships
- Access to proper healthcare when constantly moving can be difficult
- Constantly moving can be hard on your mental health
A Company's Risks With Nomad Employees
Depending on where digital nomads work, they could expose companies to tax, regulatory, and compliance issues that weren't a concern before. Some employers may even break employment laws without realizing it because of the location an employee works from.
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How Do I Find Companies Hiring Right Now for a Remote or Hybrid Position?
Remote jobs from anywhere are more common than before. You can find companies that create opportunities for remote or hybrid positions on your typical job search sites, including FlexJobs, Indeed, and Monster.
Should Employers Let Employees Work From Anywhere?
It's a risk for companies to let employees work from anywhere, but there are benefits too. It's best to discuss the situation with your attorneys and tax planners to ensure you aren't breaking any employment laws and that it makes sense financially for your company.
Final Thoughts
Work from anywhere jobs are a great way to find your dream job and change jobs less frequently. However, before considering a work from anywhere position, determine your goals in life, if you plan to live in one place or move around, and what the company's rules are to ensure it's something you can follow.