Affiliated Person
An Affiliated Person (or simply Affiliate) is you, your spouse, or any member of your immediate family (including parents, in-laws, siblings, dependents) who is licensed by, employed by or associated with a broker/dealer firm, a financial services regulator, securities exchange or member of a securities exchange.
To add an Affiliate to MYRA:
Step 1: Log into your account in the MYRA app.
Step 2: Go to "Settings".
Step 3: Click on "Investment Profile".
Step 4: Select "Disclosures" from the dropdown.
Step 5: Click on (+) Add Affiliate.
Step 6: Enter your Affiliate information, then SAVE.
Note: You are required to upload an Compliance Letter (sometimes called a '407 letter') from your compliance department to maintain your MYRA account.
Note: Affiliates are tracked at the household level (not individual level). Once you've added an Affiliate, it will reflect for both you and your partner, if applicable.